Drunkin Maple Cherries

The cherries are coming! The cherries are coming! It is that time of year again when cherries are making their way back into the scenery. Awhile ago a gentleman that I worked with told me about Bourbon cherries. I was intrigued. Finally I made them, only my rendition.
While at the liquor store I was looking for bourbon, and then the thought of honey bourbon and cherries crossed my mind. Mmmm, that has to be tasty. To my disappointment they were out of Honey Jack, but what did appear before my wandering eyes....Maple Crown. I then became happy again. What a perfect combination. The next best thing was born. Simple and easy, not to mention quite delectable.
Drunkin Cherries
4 cups black cherries
750 ml bottle of Crown Royal Maple Finished Whiskey
1 cup water
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Refrigerate over night. Munch on the tasty morsels through out the coarse of the next evening.